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Writer's pictureMelissa Robbins

What Gives You Meaning and Purpose in Your Life?

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Good morning everyone and happy summer! I’ve been sitting on this post for several weeks, waiting for the perfect time to send it out into the world… The reason it took so long for me to write this is, besides being occupied with other things, I was waiting for that moment when I felt that fire inside me. The truth is I’ve been having so many ups-and-downs… and every day I’ve had to learn a new skill and do something uncomfortable that really tests my confidence and strength. There are so many different services offered at my work, that I had to learn on the fly, and try to act confident while doing so. The truth is, I have days where everything goes perfect and I connect with my clients in a way that makes me feel like I am truly living my dream, while other days I struggle to find that voice inside me that tells me, ‘I can do this.’

In the pursuit of transparency, I also have to say that massage saved me. Settling into a career is a little bit like finding a perfect love match. I spent years applying for jobs with the State, for every department I could and for every position I thought I was qualified. A lot of people encouraged me along the way and put in a good word for me, which I appreciate immensely.

Going into these job interviews was like going on a blind date every time; trying to impress strangers and convince them, among a pool of thousands of other applicants, that I was the perfect person for the job. Looking back, I think maybe I was put through a lot of struggles, disappointments and setbacks, because I was being prepared for something greater; something that would feed my soul so much more than a desk job ever could. Before I started Massage School, I felt like I would always be treading water, just wade through life with my head barely above the surface. I had been called to the Massage school before I ever started classes there, as I would go into the Clinic and chat with the students about their experiences going through school and what they were learning. It was fun for me, I felt a part of the massage community before I had ever joined it. Now, a few years down the road, I thank God that I had taken a chance on myself. That I had chosen to pursue a profession that had called to me, before money and a fat retirement ever came to mind. Now, if I’m having a rough day, I can actually benefit through my work; by connecting with my clients and helping them heal, I can find healing myself. When I look outside myself and observe someone else’s pain, I can find purpose and meaning in what I do and how I'm able to help them. Aside from connecting with my clients, my entire world opened up after becoming a part of the massage community. As my mindset changed from seeing myself as a victim and living in fear and negativity, to seeing life as a gift full of blessings, my entire world changed. It’s in moments where I struggle, that I need to remember that my life has really taken flight and the people in my life have colored it with bright, radiant colors: with this in mind I can honestly say that my life is a gift 💖

How have you overcome struggles and hardships? What is something in your life that gives you meaning and purpose? Share your thoughts!

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Katherine Robbins
Katherine Robbins
Aug 01, 2023

Whenever I’m struggling or finding myself discouraged I pray, I find comfort and hope in that and it always helps, my struggles always disappear with time and things get better. I find meaning and purpose in my marriage and my faith. My husband is the reason I get up in the morning and strive everyday to be better. There’s no other feeling than dedicating your life to someone else. And my faith is what keeps me grounded in life, I see light and hope even at the hardest times because I know God is always with me and guiding my way. I also find meaning in my catering jobs, seeing the joy and happiness I bring to someone else’s life…

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