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Writer's pictureMelissa Robbins

Trauma and Chronic Pain

Happy Monday Everyone!

I wanted to share some thoughts I had while out walking today... I know a lot of people don't like to dwell on feelings of stagnation and things that they struggle with... and for good reason. But the truth is we all struggle with certain things in our lives; things we keep hidden behind a fake smile, fancy clothing, jewelry and keeping busy. These things give us a sense of security or confidence when we may very well not have any.

Another truth, is that we all have our routines, and some days are more mundane than not. Routines help us stay consistent, while they also can keep us stuck in a box that limits us. I've been stuck in a personal way that I won't get into... but on my walk today, I couldnt help but see the correlation between the cycle of stagnation, abuse, trauma, etc... and the cycle that comes with physical pain in our bodies. When we encounter trauma or abuse, at first it can be quite shocking. It can shake every cell in our body and mind, sending a tremor through our core. But as the abuse or trauma cycles through us and is relived on the daily, it becomes chronic. Just as we deal with chronic pain in our physical body, we also cover up or "put a bandaid" on the pain that comes from mental and emotional abuse and trauma. We come to accept it over time and become numb to it; we cover it up, just as we do with chronic pain and injury in our body--with bandages, icy hot and pills.

I wish I could say I knew the answer to this problem... and as much as people try to give us solutions and help us see the light, it's something that we all have to handle on our own and in our own time. We may know the solution, but until we are absolutely ready to take that leap, we cannot completely heal ❤️‍🩹 But the silver lining is that we have time on our sides, and like the verse says... "for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."

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