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Writer's pictureMelissa Robbins

Tips to Refocus Your Energy, Awaken Your Senses and Practice a New Meditation.

Updated: Apr 9, 2022

I don't know about you, but I've been having trouble getting focused this year. Those who know me, know that I don't make New Years Resolutions anymore. When I was a kid I was all about the New Year and putting tons of pressure on those New Resolutions, but as I've gotten older I've come to realize that life is about enjoying and being grateful for the little things. Taking time to enjoy and be present in the moment. The thought of January 1st having some magical power that suddenly makes us motivated, focused and goal-orientated/awakened from whoever we were on December 31st seems like an unrealistic way to make a dramatic change in your life. That's why I like to set goals throughout the year or even start a resolution the month or two before the new year, just to take the pressure off January 1st. So I wanted to touch base with all of you and ask... How is this year treating you? Do you set goals throughout the year? How are those goals coming to fruition in your life? If you're struggling getting focused lately or just need some clarity, I want to share with you some things you can do this week to achieve greater focus and clarity.

1. Clean house. Having a lot of clutter and things you don't need around the house can weigh you down, make you feel unmotivated and sluggish. If you are surrounded by junk, chances are your mind will imitate your surroundings and lead to a cluttered mind. 2. Start a journal or talk to a close friend. It's important to acknowledge our thoughts and what they are trying to tell us. This is why it's important to get them out on paper or talk them out. This helps you understand your thoughts better and make sense of them. 3. Travel to a new place. Humans are creatures of habit and with this habitual nature comes a feeling of complacency and even boredom. Being somewhere new will take you out of your daily rut. It doesn't have to be far away. Being in new surroundings, whether it's a new coffee shop, restaurant, hiking trail, town... etc. can help reawaken your senses. Being someplace new makes you more alert because you are experiencing new things. 4. Try a food you've never had before. If you have a favorite food like pizza or ice cream chances are you eat these things on a regular basis. Having the same thing day in and day out can cause your taste buds to become complacent and numb. Try something new. This will awaken your taste buds and even heighten your other senses as you take in a new memory. I know when I gave up gluten for awhile I started noticing the distinct taste of everything else. Food just tasted better! Cut out a regular food and replace it with something completely new. I plan on trying these tips this week and also setting small manageable goals that will help me refocus my energy in a good way. I am reading a new book, taking time to connect with others, getting out in nature and learning new massage techniques while setting up my home spa 🤗 What will you be doing this week to help refocus your energy? Share your story about your struggles and triumphs with Resolutions, Goals and trying new things. I have included a new meditation practice below that I hope you will add to the new thing you do this week 🥰 The meditation practice of METTA BHAVANA translates to "Love Cultivation." Here are 5 steps to immerse yourself in this practice. 1. Learn to Love Yourself by being aware of what is happening within yourself. 2. Wish a good friend well by transferring your good energy to a close friend or relative. 3. Transfer this good energy to the Random Stranger as well as those you love. 4. Love your enemies as Yourself by spreading kindness to those who despise you, hate you or are considered an enemy. 5. Incorporate as many people as you can into your Loving Kindness Meditation on a daily basis.

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