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Writer's pictureMelissa Robbins

Stay Humble

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I wanted to share a few insights I had this week while trying out a few self care practices. First of all, I wanted to point out how small the health and wellness community really is; or rather than small, you could say its a "close-knit" community. With that being said, there is always something new to learn about our health, our bodies and different ways to find healing within us. I had somewhat of an epiphany when I was taking a Yoga class yesterday. The Teacher was pointing out how we all come into this room to find healing in some way and we come just as we are; no more, no less. She was very matter-of-fact by saying that when we practice the movements we can always modify or expand the movement to fit our bodies needs, and there's no wrong way of doing a movement, its just simply where we are. Like in life, we face each day with where we are at; some days we have to modify our activities based on how we are feeling and other days we can expand and grow. It's very much a push and pull, a one step forward, two steps back, and some days we take a giant leap forward! Overall its about finding balance and harmony. Another insight I had this week was actually during one of the student clinics at my work. I was one of the lucky ones selected to be worked on by a couple of the students during their Lower Body Specialty Clinic, and I have to say, that I learned so much from the work they did on me. Every time I am worked on by a different student or Therapist, I learn something new that I can take with me into my own practice. This made me realize that, no matter how far along we are in our journey and in our learning process, we can all learn from each other. We all see things differently, so in that way I realized, that we can all learn the basics: the name of the muscles, what they look like and how they move, but this information will not benefit everyone in the same way. Some of us look at an image and see, not just the muscle, but the cells within it and the mind connected to the movement and the soul connected to that mind. While others have to feel it, touch it or relate to it on a personal level. Sometimes we have to look at this image from a different angle in order to use the information to benefit our needs, or meet us where we're at in life at that moment. This is why it's so important to learn from each other, because we can see things on a level we didn't even know was possible or from an angle that now makes sense to us. When you view learning as a community effort and a collection of ideas, rather than information being read from a text book, it can change the way you see and approach things in life. You can't dismiss the foundational basics, but you can expand on them and appropriate the information to fit your life and your needs, and this can change from day to day as we continue to learn and grow. Like the Yoga instructor said, "we come as we are," and its up to us to take where we're at and learn and grow a little each day, from ourselves and from each other. Has someone ever caused you to look at something in a different light? Have you learned something new from an old idea? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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