It's that time of year again... It's hard to believe that it's been 19 years since 9/11 I remember sitting in class and watching the news. I don't even know why school wasn't cancelled that day, except for the fact that re-watching the news every hour in class really allowed the weight of it all to sink in... I want to remember those who died September 11 2001; the thousands of victims who died in the Towers, the people who went down in flight 93, and the everyday heroes who rushed in to offer help to those in need. In our world there's a lot of attention given to celebrities and people in pop culture, but not enough attention is given to everyday heroes who have sacrificed themselves to save the lives of those in need, and those who continue to keep us safe on a daily basis. In our world too much attention is put on fame and wealth, while those who live their lives helping people and giving of themselves is often gone unnoticed. A lot of this stems from the fact that people in these professions don't seek attention, but accept their call to action without seeking the limelight. Let us remember those who died in the Towers, those who went down in flight 93, and those who sacrificed themselves to save others and who continue to sacrifice themselves and stand up against terrorism. Let's also remember the families of those who have died and who continue to live with the loss of their loved ones every day. I would also like to offer a prayer for those who are currently serving our country, fighting the wildfires, cops who continue to protect us, and those in the medical field who are caring for those in need. Where were you when you heard the news? What does 9/11 mean to you and how do you remember this day? Share your story!
