Happy weekend everyone! I wanted to talk about more of a serious topic today, as it's something that has been on my mind all week... and I'm hoping you will add your own thoughts on the subject. Life is an up-and-down battle, full of uncertainty and confidence, loneliness and belonging, happiness and sadness, grand moves and shameful setbacks. The moment I realized this, the more accepting I've been about all of life's moments. Like the ocean tides, that move in and out across glistening sand, our lives are full of ups and downs, steps forward and steps back. This week started out great! I had so much fun seeing Elton John live in concert. I felt like I had stepped back in time, to a place where there was no Pandemic, where people weren't fake and all the fluff that technology has brought into our lives was irrelevant and unknown. A time where people found pleasure in the little things; where, instead of complaining about what we don't have or comparing ourselves to others, we connect with others and embrace each others similar interests as well as differences. Today people are focused so much on what they don't have and what not to say, for fears of offending someone, that we cease to be ourselves. We walk on eggshells so as not to offend our neighbor, who is also walking on eggshells. We have technology that is put in front of us to showcase only the good things and not the struggles. We have filters to weed out the "ugly" parts of us rather that embracing the entirety of ourselves. When asked the question, 'how's your day going?' or 'how are you?' The acceptable response would be, 'good,' 'great,' 'awesome,' or sending a smily emoji across cyberspace. But what if we're not doing well or we're having a really bad day... People are judged for speaking the truth and saying how they're really feeling, or people simply feel like a burden if they admit that they're having a tough time. It's become such a habitual mode of being that we've come to sensor ourselves even when we're not 'on-camera.' This is just one of the reasons it's important to have a close friend/confidant who you can go to in times of need. Someone who knows your deepest, darkest secrets and doesn't judge you for them. Someone who won't be uncomfortable or embarrassed when you break down in tears. I guess I've been going through that this week... My close friend, who was with me while going through a really tough and uncertain time, is now in Texas and I miss talking with her about my deepest, darkest secrets. I miss getting pedicures with her and talking about family drama, relationships, and finding ourselves in a world we don't always understand. I also miss my family and the friendships that used to be a huge part of my life, but no longer are... So, to end this train of thought, I want to ask all of you: What have you struggled with this week? Who is your go-to person who you can tell your deepest, darkest secrets to? and what do you hate or love most about the modern world we live in? What do you wish was different? What's one thing that you miss and one thing you're looking forward to this week? One thing I miss is spending quality time with a close friend and with my family. I really enjoyed spending time with my family over Christmas., but it also made me realize that I should venture over more often to see them. One thing that I've enjoyed over the holiday is spending more time at the Spa and connecting with my clients. When I'm feeling stressed or anxious, giving someone a massage actually helps calm me down and make me feel whole again. One thing I've also found helps me feel complete is taking a Yoga class. Stretching my body and opening my arms to the sky, helps ground me and appreciate the beauty that surrounds me, while also appreciating how I feel in my body. If you have been going through the Winter blues and post-christmasy blues, try doing something new. Taking a class or venturing into something you've always wanted to do, but haven't had the time before. You need to make time for things that feed your soul. Life is short and should be spent doing things you love <3 It's exciting to start something new as we head into Winter. I love you all... Share your thoughts!
Life is like an Ocean Tide 🌊
Updated: Feb 1, 2023