It's Thanksgiving day! What are you doing?A lot of people are opting out of Thanksgiving this year, for various reasons. The holidays are a time to spend with family, friends and those people in your life who mean the world to you, but many people believe that seeing family this year is selfish and will result in more deaths because of the virus. What do you do when you're trying to make a decision between your own desires and that of the greater good? Or when you have to worry about neighbors calling the cops because you're having visitors despite the Governors mandate? These are extreme circumstances, and Aristotle would definitely have a hay day with these every day decisions.

This, of course, is simply a mandate and not a law, so we are still free to practice our constitutional rights. I remember my first Thanksgiving memory... I was sick and had to spend most of the day alone in my room, while everyone else was out in the kitchen laughing and celebrating... Maybe this was a premonition of what my life would be like.
My mom would come in every once in awhile to check on me and bring me food. Maybe it stuck with me because it was different than the other years, or maybe it was because I was set apart from the others and shown kindness. There have been other years where friends have brought me food while I was at work or family set aside dinner for me because I had to work late. I think the true meaning of the holiday stayed with me, not because I remember what I ate or drank, but because I remember the kindness and love that was shown to me. What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory and tradition? Share your story and thoughts on this special holiday in the comments below 👇
Growing playing touch football in the street
My favorite and now a wonderful memory was my grandma's meatballs! She use to make up to 500-1000 for our family gatherings....and there wouldn't be anything left on most years.