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Writer's pictureMelissa Robbins


Updated: Jul 18, 2020

If you woke up tomorrow morning and had no recollection of who you are and what you've done, what's the first thing you would do to build yourself up? What's the one most prominent characteristic you would use to describe yourself? What's your greatest desire? Your unspoken dream? The hardest thing to admit about yourself, and what you're the most proud of?

These are hard questions, but important to understand who you are underneath all the masks that society asks us to put on everyday. My IDENTITY is something I still struggle with even as I head into my thirties. I wish I would have figured out who I was and what I wanted when I was in high school. It would've made things a lot easier as the choices I've made would have been directed to produce more happiness in my life.

A memory came back to me the other day where I can recall sitting in the living room of my parents house, I was about seven years old and I was whispering my name under my breath over and over as though I needed validation of who I am. Through this memory, two things were revealed to me: that I was terrified of telling a lie, and that I wasn't 100% sure or comfortable in my identity. This site is specifically designed for visitors to share their stories, free of judgment or guilt. Please comment below and share your story. What's the most prominent characteristic you would used to describe yourself? What's your greatest desire? Your unspoken dream? The hardest thing to admit about yourself? The one thing you are the most proud of? Until next time BE WELL <3

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